Protein isolation from agriculture and food industry side products rich in proteins (e.g. oil cakes). Assessment of protein isolates and production of protein hydrolysates. Cell culture media formulation through serum reduction and fortification with in-house produced plant protein hydrolysates. Myoblast and preadipocyte cell proliferation and differentiation in culture media fortified with the hydrolysates.

Igor Slivac

- Host institution: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology
- Position: Staff researcher
- Discipline: Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Cellular biology
- Alternative protein type: Cultivated, Plant-based
- Collaboration opportunities: Industry partnership, Joint research, Providing guest lectures, Sharing equipment or facilities, Technical consultation
- Lab equipment: Animal cell and tissue culture facilities, Biochemistry equipment, High-throughput screening equipment, Microscopy equipment
- Pilot equipment: None
- Region: Europe
- Technology focus: Cell culture media, Scaffolding and structure
- Location: Zagreb, Croatia