We are working on seafood macro and micro nutrients bioaccessibility and proximate chemical composition, macro and trace elements, fatty acid profile and amino acids as traceability tools to assess geographic origin and seasonality of seafood, for bioactive and functional seafood products development.

Fabiola helena dos Santos Fogaca

Fabiola is a GFI-funded researcher. Read more about our Research Grants Program here.
- Host institution: Embrapa
- Position: Principal investigator
- Discipline: Biochemistry, Nutritional science
- Alternative protein type: Plant-based
- Collaboration opportunities: Industry partnership, Joint research, Sharing equipment or facilities
- Hiring for: Graduate students, Postdoctoral fellows, Research staff, Undergraduate students
- Lab equipment: Microbiology equipment, Other
- Region: Latin America
- Technology focus: Consumer research, Crop development, End product formulation and manufacturing, Feedstocks, Food safety and quality
- Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil