Extraction, isolation, and purification of food proteins, bioactive peptides, and phytochemicals. Functional, qualitative, and structural characterization of food proteins. Food processing. Molecular interactions between proteins and other bio-molecules. Proteinaceous seeds processing and utilization. Behaviour and fate of food proteins/peptides/phytochemicals in the gastrointestinal tract using an in-vitro dynamic simulated GI tract system. Preparation of protein controlled food matrices. Enzymatic and physicochemical techniques applied to foods. Functional and Nutraceutical Foods.

Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez

- Host institution: University of Leeds
- Position: Principal investigator
- Discipline: Biochemistry, Food science, Nutritional science
- Alternative protein type: Plant-based
- Collaboration opportunities: Industry partnership, Joint research, Sharing equipment or facilities
- Hiring for: Graduate students, Postdoctoral fellows, Research staff
- Lab equipment: Biochemistry equipment (purification/separation/HPLC/GC/MS), High-throughput screening equipment, Microscopy equipment
- Region: Europe
- Technology focus: End product formulation and manufacturing, Ingredient optimization, Other, Scaffolding and structure, Target molecule selection
- Location: West Yorkshire, United Kingdom